All artwork appearing in this Web Site site is the property of M. Ellen Cocose and is protected under United States and International copyright laws. The artwork may not be reproduced, stored, or manipulated without the written permission of the artist.

M. Ellen Cocose
Flora 29 - 30x30
Flora 30 - 30x30
Flora 27 - 24x24
Flora 20 - 48x60
Flora 31 - 36x80
Flora 21 - 48x48
Flora 11 - 36xx60
Flora 37 - 24x24
Flora 32 - 24x24
Flora 30 - 30x30
Flora 14 - 48x60
Flora 23 - 60x48
Flora 28 - 24x24
Flora 22 - 48x48
Flora 34 - 30x30
Flora 35 - 30x30
Flora 33 - 34x36
Flora 15 - 44x60
Flora 13 - 48x48
Flora 17 - 48x48
Flora 38 - 48x48
All artwork appearing in this Web Site is the property of M. Ellen Cocose and is protected under United States and International copyright laws. The artwork may not be reproduced, stored, or manipulated without the written permission of the artist.